
Business support for lockdown easing delay

With the rumoured extension of the 21st June lockdown lifting on the horizon, and businesses calling for extra support, Sridhar Iyengar, MD for Zoho Corporation in Europe, offered insight and advice on the current situation for UK business.

Sridhar Iyengar, MD for Zoho Europe comments:

“Throughout the pandemic, businesses and self-employed workers have borne the brunt of the government’s indecisiveness and last-minute U-Turn decisions, with many being unable to plan ahead more than a few weeks at a time.

“Whilst the government’s continuing business support schemes should be commended, it’s clear that organisations must take some matters into their own hands. By bolstering their technology infrastructure and ensuring they have the right software and cloud-enabled tech to quickly adapt to the rapidly changing global situation, businesses can be more flexible and less vulnerable to last minute cut-throat decisions or widespread uncertainty, such as what we’re currently witnessing with the rumoured extension of the 21st June lockdown lifting. The right technology decisions can not only make the difference now in terms of adaptability, but can help with the new hybrid working trend as well as future proofing business for whatever ways of work arise going forwards.”

Read the full story here

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