
Insurance giving back to SpecialEffect

Charities have seen their income shrink because of enforced shop closures and cancelled fundraising events.

For SpecialEffect, the necessary postponement of Twin Town Challenge 2020 has of course had a huge impact on their funding for this year.

As a corporate partner of SpecialEffect, we’re keen to help and support them as much as possible – particularly during the challenging circumstances that we’re experiencing due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier this year we launched a new and innovative way of raising funds for SpecialEffect – by donating 20% of earnings from new insurance policies taken out by SpecialEffect friends, families, supports and connections.

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve made a great start with this initiative.

Following discussions with Centre Manager, Abbie Willcox, the team at FOCUS has reviewed the insurance arrangements for Hexagon Business Centres Ltd, based in Witney. As a result, we’ve been able to arrange a new policy providing greater cover – for a reduced cost. And this also means that SpecialEffect benefit by receiving 20% of the earnings.

That’s not all. We’ve also arranged motor insurance for another SpecialEffect supporter, again meaning that the charity directly benefits from the transaction.

There are many things right now that we are restricted from doing – all to keep us safe, save lives and protect the amazing NHS.

But reviewing your insurance arrangements is something you can do. Renewal dates will happen regardless of Covid-19 and perhaps you have more time available to look at alternative solutions.

This is where FOCUS can help and in turn, you can help support SpecialEffect.

Quite simply, if you mention SpecialEffect when you call FOCUS for a new insurance policy, then it will have an immediate positive impact for the charity.

The policies taken out can be for either personal or business insurance solutions, such as home and motor insurance, life insurance, commercial insurances, Directors & Officers liability, motor fleet, cyber insurance etc.

To find out more about how FOCUS can provide you with bespoke insurance solutions and help SpecialEffect – contact our team of experts.

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