
Oxfordshire’s most renowned venues are ready and waiting to welcome you back

Freedom is here!! It’s time to start making plans and getting excited about moving back to a slightly more ‘normal’ world, with lockdown restrictions easing we are now able to visit wonderful venues such as Blenheim Palace, Oxford University colleges and The Ashmolean Museum.

Blenheim Palace

Blenheim Palace
Blenheim Palace

“The sun is shining and our guests are streaming back. You complete us and you can see that in the joy on everyone’s faces. Eat out at our new outdoor cafes, enjoy new exhibitions on Churchill and the equine life of the Estate, or walk through our glorious Gardens.

“Welcome back to Britain’s Greatest Palace!” – Dominic Hare, CEO, Blenheim Palace.

Blenheim’s beautiful grounds are now open for you all to enjoy and explore, with spring here, Blenheim is the perfect place to get some fresh air and some much needed time away from work. With restrictions lifting, venues are slowly welcoming visitors back and Blenheim has decided to hit the ground running and have a number of upcoming events for2021, such as The Luna Drive-In Cinema, Jousting, Giffords Circus and so much more. I think we can all agree that having events to look forward to can really make all the difference, especially when they are just around the corner. For more info about Blenheim and upcoming events Click Here

Blenheim Palace
Blenheim Palace

Conference Oxford

Conference Oxford Venues
Conference Oxford Venues

“Conference Oxford’s 68 University and College venues are looking forward to welcoming you back, whilst doing all we can to ensure visitors have a safe and enjoyable stay. Our venues offer outstanding facilities for meetings, dinners, even B&B – with staff fully committed to making your event a success.” – Victoria Allen, Marketing Administrator at Conference Oxford.

Need a venue for an upcoming event at work?

Well, Conference Oxford is the perfect place to start. They represent 68 University and college venues all offering outstanding facilities for every type of event – conference, meeting, dinner, wedding, party, summer school or B&B and so much more…Oxford offers its visitors a huge choice of unique and exciting attractions, with almost 1,000 buildings of architectural or historical interest within just one square mile. Conference Oxford have over 500 meeting and exhibition spaces, 7,000 student bedrooms and a huge selection of dining facilities (college and departmental halls, private dining rooms, museum galleries and libraries), Conference Oxford offers an amazing variety of venues, that will all soon be available for you to book. For more info about Conference Oxford Click Here

Conference Oxford Venues
Conference Oxford Venues

Ashmolean Museum

“We are very excited to open the iconic blue doors to welcome back our guests and friends. Once again the spacious galleries will echo with the sound of conversations and the chink of glasses raised in toast. Upstage your competitors, re-unite your teams or plan an end of year celebration at this unique Oxford venue.” – Paul Jeffery, Corporate Membership and Event Manager, Ashmolean Museum.

Ashmolean Museum
Ashmolean Museum
Ashmolean Museum
Ashmolean Museum

A place full of history, creativity and beauty, The Ashmolean is the University of Oxford’s museum of art and archaeology, founded in 1683.

Paul added. “Our world famous collections range from Egyptian mummies to contemporary art, telling human stories across cultures and across time.

“We’re planning to reopen on 17 May and tickets will be available to book soon. Until then you can explore the Museum from home.”

With members’ priority booking now open the doors of the Ashmolean will soon be open to all and they are ready to share their special exhibition, Pre-Raphaelities with you, a chance to see a world-renowned collection of drawings and watercolours. For more info about The Ashmolean Museum Click Here




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