Blenheim: The Importance Of Wellbeing For Employees In The Current Climate
Covid has put heavy pressure on our mental health. Which to most of us is no surprise when we found out about lock down!
High quality educational & inspirational articles written by B4 members, including advice pieces, interviews, and thoughts on current topics. Articles are reviewed by the B4 editorial team before being published.
Covid has put heavy pressure on our mental health. Which to most of us is no surprise when we found out about lock down!
For You HR, as leading experts in the fields of HR and Organisational Development, we have not only have achieved success as a small business in the field of wellbeing for over a decade but also in our combined careers of working in the health sector (over 50 years of NHS experience)!
We launched The Lambourn in Abingdon in March just as lockdown happened. It was a slow start for the building but we now have happy tenants in the building who are pleased to be back in the workplace.
As I sit down to write this, I realize I have lost track of time on LinkedIn this week. Ever been there? Frustrating isn’t it!
Our brain doesn’t like uncertainty – if you feel stressed, it’s not just you. You can be assured that it’s completely normal if you’re feeling stressed and unsettled due to Covid and restrictions.
Employment rights form the bedrock of wellbeing . The employment relationship is a fundamentally unequal one – an individual contracting with a business or corporate power.
Employee volunteering provides significant benefits to businesses and employees, as well as having a significant impact on charities and at the heart of local communities. Some of the professional skills employers and staff might take for granted are priceless to charities and community organisations – according to the NCVO almanac, the value of volunteering is estimated at £22.6bn per year.
Work experience is a placement offered by an employer on their premises, during which school or college students carry out tasks more or less as an employee would. The placement can last for a week or longer, and includes an emphasis on the learning aspects of the experience.
Simon Smith, Partner at Oxfordshire based accountancy firm, Wellers, which has offices in Oxford, Banbury, Thame, and London, discusses how SME businesses can avoid the pitfalls of relying on a select few customers and suppliers.
People are border-crossers who make daily transitions between two worlds –the world of work and the world of private life.
From a Coaching perspective, within this topic I look at different ways we can personalise good practice, evidenced based approaches, developmental thinking, active listening and reflective learning, both to our individual lives and our individual experiences.
In a world of social-distancing, ‘should we, shouldn’t we’, ‘can you hear me’, wash your hands craziness, it’s nice to get a slice of normality. We ventured to Mollie’s Motel & Diner located on the A420 near Buckland for a family dinner and a good night’s sleep. We weren’t disappointed. B4’s Richard Rosser and family enjoyed Mollie’s.
As the advent of a new way of working dawns, there is a rather sleek and contemporary addition to the office that is likely to become a familiar fixture. Acoustic booths are a self-contained, segregated and sound proofed space.
Matt England is the man behind Sun Rum, the artisan Lymington-based rum producer who has spent most of his working life in the hospitality sector and decided on creating his own brand having been inspired by anothers quest in the spirits business. B4’s Richard Rosser had the pleasure of interviewing the incredibly focused and passionate owner of a brand which could well be making a splash in your lives…and quite a lot of fun in the process making some of Matt’s keynote cocktails!
Does Britain’s fragile economy really hang on a classic club sandwich and a cappuccino?