
B4 Launches New Member Induction Lunches at The Manor Country House Hotel

As part of a review of all of our processes at B4, we are delighted to announce a series of new member lunches that will be held at The Manor Country House Hotel, starting in January 2018.

The lunches will be hosted by the hotel’s General Manager, Michael Stevenson, who commented, “We are delighted to be hosting the B4 New Member lunches next year. B4 is the county’s premier networking organisation and for us to be new B4 Members’ first ‘event’ is an absolute pleasure for us and a great opportunity to showcase our facilities.”

The lunches will also be open to renewing members who would like to find out more about getting the most out of their membership. The lunches will include networking with new and existing B4 members, an introduction to the benefits of B4 membership and how to get the most out of the services we provide and, of course, a great lunch and a look around The Manor’s facilities.

To find out more about B4 membership, please contact us on 01865 742211 or click here.

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