
Preparing to Return to Business as (Un)usual – Road Maps to the Restart with Freeths

Many businesses were left confused by the Prime Minister’s recent address with regard to how and when they should facilitate the new plan for workers to return to the workplace unless they can work from home. However, the guidance is that employers should start taking steps to ensure the workplace is “Covid Secure” for their workers to return.

With thousands set to return to work over the coming weeks – it’s important you choose the right road map to restart your business operations.

We know that with the additional injection of £14 million for the Health and Safety Executive, which will inevitably boost their resources, as a business, you will need be mindful of an increased number of site inspections by the regulator and the need, if asked, to evidence a safe system of work. Any failure to do so could result in you receiving an enforcement notice which has the ability to prevent you from operating until specific requirements have been met or, in more extreme circumstances, a criminal prosecution.

What we will cover in this webinar:

What you need to know and do to be compliant with the New H&S Workplace Guidance
– Daniel McNally, Compliance & Regulatory Senior Associate

The key employment law implications, including dealing with health and safety concerns raised by employees, high risk employees and discrimination issues and your options when a potentially infected employee attends work
– Christopher Sing, Employment Law Partner

Data protection compliance – outlining the HR and privacy considerations around Covid-19 exit strategies and the “new normal”
– Will Richmond-Coggan, Cyber Security & GDPR Director

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