
The Guideposts Information and Support (GIS) Service

On this episode of Let’s Talk Mental Health, Mel Noton chats to Avril Ishmael about the GIS and the great services it offers to individuals, businesses and communities alike.

The Guideposts Information and Support (GIS) Service provides confidential, non-judgemental, and empathic emotional support, so people can gain better control of their own lives and wellbeing.

They focus on helping people find solutions rather than problems, build on strengths rather than weaknesses and find positive ways forward rather than examining barriers, enabling people to define a desired future and to construct a pathway in both thinking and action that helps them in achieving that future.

You can find out more on their website here.

Guideposts / GIS would like feedback from the business community about their needs and how GIS could be of assistance.

Please complete their quick survey here.

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