You Consultancy


It’s all about You!

At You Consultancy we’re not your typical Consultancy. Recognising that one size doesn’t fit all, our agile and personalised services are tailored to meet your unique needs. Our passion extends beyond profit – our purpose is to create positive workplaces where employers and employees thrive.

Whether you choose us as your all-encompassing HR & OD provider or to work harmoniously alongside your existing HR and OD teams, our services can flexibly expand on a ‘Retained’ basis, or simply operate as purposeful projects and address imminent standalone needs through our Pay As You Go (PAYG) service.

If you are seeking comprehensive HR and OD strategic innovation and implementation, or assistance with specific operational matters, we’re here to empower your organisation and people. We handle the complex and tough issues, foster best practices, and promote growth at every turn.

Based in Wallingford, we’re Oxfordshire’s leading visionary HR and OD Consultancy. While rooted in tradition, we are agile and practical. It’s about fit for us, and if there’s synergy, location won’t stand in our way. We work on-site wherever needed because you can’t beat ‘togetherness.’ Our flexibility allows us to offer tailor-made packages that work best for you!

Put ‘You’ in your organisation where our solutions and passion meet your success!



Unlocking Excellence

In the ever-evolving realm of human resources and organisational development, leaders consistently grapple with pivotal decisions in shaping their core people functions. Traditionally, many have opted for in-house resources to bolster internal teams for managing people matters. However, in the face of contemporary employment challenges and evolving expectations, leaders are increasingly turning to a more […]

Navigating HR & OD Challenges in 2024: A Guide to a...

Introduction: As we step into the New Year, the ever-evolving landscape of human resources (HR) and organisational development (OD) presents both exciting opportunities and unique challenges for HR Professionals, Leaders, and Managers. From adapting to accommodate ongoing workforce needs or addressing emerging trends, January 2024 sets the stage for those responsible to proactively shape the […]

New legislative changes are set to upheave rules from 1st January...

Here’s an overview of the key changes that will kick-in from the 1st of January 2024: Simplified Holiday Pay Calculations: The proposed changes permit rolled-up holiday pay for part-year workers and those with irregular working hours. Retained EU Case Law Clarification: Carryover of 4 weeks annual leave to the following year in cases where a […]


“Organisational pressures are set to rise in 2023 (and beyond). The employment relationship is undergoing the greatest transformation it has seen for decades.” – Jonna Mundy

Growth, Development and Organisational Change…

Through our Retained Exclusive Service, we were able to rapidly mobilise and assist a client at pace to meet their needs as they set-up as a new Limited by Guarantee entity. There were complexities involved with all they wanted to achieve within a set timeframe, given that there was an imminent requirement to transfer a group of staff from one organisation to another.

Getting To Know You: By Holly Wells

I live in Oxfordshire and since the young age of 13, I’ve been working locally in the area too! My first work experience was having a paper round and helping out in the village football field tuck shop on Saturdays!

Equipping your Managers and Leaders to Cope 

58% of respondents from a recent survey You HR has run, said that they do not feel they are equipping their managers with mentoring or coaching to work through the complexity of people matters that arise in the workplace or aligning their people plans with their organisational strategy.

You HR Consultancy Ltd Are Recruiting

Are you ready to line up and be our next storm trooping HR Consultant? For more information about You HR visit: or email to book time and chat about this opportunity. Closing date for applications: 14th Oct 2021 Whole Day Interview & Assessment Selection: 19th Oct 2021

LGBT History Month

February is LGBT History Month, a great time for businesses to think about how inclusive they really are for LGBT employees and what they can do to become more so.

B4 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Day

It’s B4 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Day at B4. So we’re highlighting some recent and not so recent articles and press releases posted by B4 members over the past year or so.

Workplace Wellbeing Day

It’s Workplace Wellbeing Day at B4. So we’re highlighting some recent and not so recent articles and press releases posted by B4 members over the past year or so.

B4 People & Strategy Day

It’s People & Strategy Day at B4 so we’re highlighting some recent and not so recent articles and press releases posted by B4 members over the past year or so. Some content is pre-COVID but still relevant so get stuck in for great advice from our growing community of experts.

Wellbeing now – what do you need?

For You HR, as leading experts in the fields of HR and Organisational Development, we have not only have achieved success as a small business in the field of wellbeing for over a decade but also in our combined careers of working in the health sector (over 50 years of NHS experience)!

Positive Steps with Jonna Mundy from You HR Consultancy

1. Since lockdown I have disciplined myself and the team to do something daily that supports their wellbeing, whether exercising, healthy eating, relaxation, or reaching out to different people across their network of friends, family and acquaintances to keep connected.

You HR Consultancy, Business as ewesual

As the world responds to the outbreak of COVID-19, our You HR thoughts are with the people affected and the millions of health and social care professionals working around the clock to help those most at need, and to all those that will support the Country in trying to keep it functioning at such an unprecedented time.

Where are you?

Embracing diversity and an ageing population in the workplace. At You HR Consultancy we work hard to practice what we teach and creating a diverse workforce is an important part of who we are.

The Team Behind You HR

This year You HR Consultancy will celebrate its 10th anniversary! Started in 2009 by Jonna Mundy, the team has grown from strength to strength and boasts a diverse community of 13 employees.

Your Employees need You!

At You HR Consultancy we are constantly exploring innovative ways to advance our HR offering to clients but sometimes continuing to apply traditional models and methods is what we need… if it isn’t broken why try and fix it?

How Wellbeing Centric Are You?

With the main reasons given for workplace stress including workload pressures, lack of support from managers and work related violence and bullying, the beginning of the year seems a perfect time to review employee wellbeing.

From Good To Great

When I decided to set-up as an independent consultant in the early spring of 2009, I had no idea that my vision would become the successful, thriving business that it is today.

Are you switched on for GDPR?

With less than 4 weeks to go until the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force, You HR Consultancy Limited are busy supporting their ‘retained’ clients with what they need to do in order to be compliant from an HR perspective.