
Oxford Innovation Digest, Apr 2022

The latest news and stories from Oxford Innovation shared with the B4 community and beyond.

Bracknell employees helped back to work

A pilot scheme to support Bracknell people as they return to the office, after almost two years of working from home, has been launched at Bracknell Enterprise & Innovation Hub. The scheme aims to improve the professional and personal lifestyle of business owners and employees. Bracknell-based business people, including Sian and David Lindsay of FinTech […]

Further government funding supports phase II R&D lab conversion at The...

The Oxford Trust, the local charity encouraging the pursuit of science and enterprise, is to commence the second phase of its conversion of dedicated high spec laboratory facilities at its Wood Centre for Innovation in Headington, Oxford, following £0.2 million additional Local Growth Fund support, secured by the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP).

£0.5 million Headington life science laboratory development at The Oxford Trust’s...

The Oxford Trust, the local charity encouraging the pursuit of science and enterprise, is to undertake a half million-pound project to install life science laboratory facilities at its Wood Centre for Innovation in Headington, Oxford, to increase capacity for the local innovation ecosystem and has received £0.1 million in funding towards the project via the Government’s Local Growth Fund, secured by the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP).

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