
Attend Oxford Living Wage Week Event (Online)

It is #LivingWageWeek, from 9 – 15 November 2020, and we are celebrating the hundreds of thousands of low paid workers who have received a pay rise because of the Living Wage movement.

To attend the (online) Event Sign-up here:

It is #LivingWageWeek, from 9 – 15 November 2020, and we are celebrating the hundreds of thousands of low paid workers who have received a pay rise because of the Living Wage movement. As we continue through a tough year with the pandemic, we feel the time is right to make the case that fair pay is an essential element of what is needed for a long-term economic recovery that improves more family’s lives.

Oxford City Council is celebrating another year of the Oxford Living Wage (OLW), and I would like to invite you to the Council’s annual event for employers. To publicly celebrate and applaud our Living Wage payers in Oxford, we, Oxford City Council, will be hosting a live (online) event on 12 November from 10:00 AM until 12:00, with press releases, to celebrate our Oxford Living Wage Employers.

This event is an opportunity to hear the business case for better pay for those thinking of becoming Oxford Living Wage Employers. It is also an opportunity to thank our growing network of Oxford Living Wage employers for making a difference.

The Mayor, Craig Simmons, will help to celebrate Oxford’s Living Wage Payers, together with the Leader of Oxford City Council, Councillor Susan Brown. We will also be joined by the University of Oxford, B4 and other speakers. This year, we will also hear from employees, who will share with us their stories about the impact the Oxford Living Wage has had on their lives.

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