Berkshire charity wins £10,000 Movement for Good award
A charity based in Berkshire will receive a £10,000 windfall as part of Ecclesiastical Insurance Group’s annual Movement for Good awards.
Link Visiting Scheme is one of 301 charities chosen by a panel of judges that will benefit from the money.
The fund will allow the charity, which transforms the lives of marginalised older people who are suffering from loneliness and isolation, to kick-start its new project, Link Reach – a project which will identify and provide support to 50 older people in targeted rural areas
suffering from chronic loneliness and isolation.
Each of the £10,000 awards are designed to help charities make a real difference in their communities. Applications were assessed against four key areas; impact and effectiveness, sustainability, innovation, and care and compassion.
Mark Hews, Group CEO of Ecclesiastical, said: “At Ecclesiastical we believe business should be a force for good. Charitable causes need sustained support and a sense of financial stability. Through the second phase of our Movement for Good awards we are actively championing innovation, giving charities the backing they need to propel their plans forward and turn creative ideas into practical solutions that benefit society. We know that £10,000 can make a huge difference to the incredible work that charities do and we’re looking forward to seeing how this financial boost will change lives for the better.”
“Ecclesiastical, the fourth largest corporate donor in the UK, is a unique financial services group. We are owned by a charity which means all available profits can be given to the good causes that are so important to our customers. As a company whose purpose is to contribute to the greater good of society, charitable giving is at the heart of our business.”
For the third year running, the awards, set up by specialist insurer Ecclesiastical, will see a total of £1million go to charities across the UK. An amazing 210,000 people around the UK supported the Movement for Good awards during its first phase earlier this year, with over 13,000 charitable causes up and down the country receiving votes. The 500 winning charities were picked at random from those nominated and were awarded £1,000 each.
Phase two saw over 1,000 project submissions for the £10,000 awards. Following a review of all the applications, a panel of judges made their final selection of the 30 winning projects. The remaining money will be awarded at a later date.
For further information on the Movement for Good awards please visit: www.ecclesiastical.com/movement-for-good
Full list of 30 winning charities
NEPACS http://www.nepacs.co.uk/
Sharks Community Trust https://www.salesharks.com/community/
Gloucester Rugby Foundation https://www.gloucesterrugby.co.uk/foundation
Cutting Edge Theatre Ltd http://cuttingedgetheatre.co.uk/
Woodhorn Charitable Trust https://museumsnorthumberland.org.uk/
The Foundling Museum https://foundlingmuseum.org.uk/
Sittingbourne Heritage Museum https://www.sittingbourne-museum.co.uk/
The Cardiff Institute for the Blind https://sightlife.wales/
Aids Care Education and Training https://www.acet-uk.com/
Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership Limited https://kidsown.ie/
FarmAbility https://farmability.org.uk/
Abby’s Heroes https://www.abbysheroes.org/
Children with Cancer Fund (Polegate) https://www.childrenwithcancerfund.org.uk/
Chums Charity https://chumscharity.org/
Phenalgin’s Friends http://www.penhaligonsfriends.org.uk/
Seal CofE Primary School https://www.sealcommunityschoolfarm.co.uk/
Peebles CAN https://www.peeblescan.org/
Link Visiting Scheme https://www.linkvisiting.org/
Dorset Mind https://dorsetmind.uk/
NE Youth https://neyouth.org.uk/
First Light South West Ltd http://www.firstlight.org.uk/
Humans MCR https://humansmcr.org/
Towards Transition Stirling SCIO https://www.transitionstirling.org.uk/
Common Ground CLG https://www.commonground.ie/
Sheffield Wildlife Trust https://www.wildsheffield.com/
Bethnal Green Nature Reserve Trust https://phytology.org.uk/
Transition Network https://transitionnetwork.org/
The Maggie Oliver Foundation https://www.themaggieoliverfoundation.com/
Hillingdon Women’s Centre https://hillingdonwomenscentre.org/
Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland https://sohtis.org/
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