
Blake Morgan signs Thames Valley Mental Wellbeing Charter

Leading law firm Blake Morgan LLP has signed the Thames Valley Chambers of Commerce’s Mental Health Wellbeing Charter as part of the firm’s commitment to supporting and ensuring mental wellbeing.

The Wellbeing Charter was included in the Chamber of Commerce’s Business Plan for 2020 and seeks to bring a wide range of organisations together to promote best practice and awareness of the role of businesses in supporting mental health in the community.

The Charter asks each signatory organisation to make a series of commitments designed to help foster and provide a work environment that allows everyone to thrive and feel able to seek help where they need it. This includes ensuring effective people management and training, recognising the importance of culture and leadership and being open and honest about mental health and mental illness. Firms should also continue to learn, adapt processes and provide support to people experiencing mental illness in the same way they would support those experiencing a physical illness.

Bruce Potter, Blake Morgan’s Chairman, said: “We’re delighted to participate in a Thames Valley-wide initiative which supports our own focus on mental wellbeing and enables us to join with other local businesses to ensure we are speaking with one voice on this important topic. This year, more than perhaps any other, we are aware of the vital difference that support for mental wellbeing can make to individuals, their families and the wider community.”

The full Charter is available on the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce’s website at:

About Blake Morgan
Blake Morgan is a UK law firm providing a breadth of legal services across the private and public sectors with a strong regional presence across southern England and Wales. The firm has five offices: Cardiff, London, Oxford, Reading and Southampton. With a long heritage and committed client base, the firm’s partners and teams provide a depth of expertise in their key sectors. The firm has ambitious plans for growth to deliver more developed and broader services to its clients both in the south of England and Wales and more widely across the UK. The firm aims to deliver exemplary service to its clients and to make a difference through teamwork, integrity and innovation.

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