
Champing at the bit to support vulnerable generations in Oxford

And they’re off!! CRM had a wonderful fundraising evening with clients and our charity partner Daybreak Oxford, for another popular Charity Race Night.

Putting the fun into fundraising, the event consisted of eight filmed horse races that attendees placed their bets on. There was also a buffet and a special gin raffle with bottles donated by a client. An impressive £3,861 was raised for Daybreak Oxford.

“We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended the Charity Race Night, especially our event sponsors and clients who made generous donations,” said CRM Managing Director Tony Hobbs. “It’s been a while since we’ve been able to hold a charity event, so it was wonderful to get together and have a very enjoyable evening whilst raising vital funds for our charity partner.”

Representatives from Daybreak Oxford also joined in the fun and were astounded with the amount raised. Elizabeth Hays, Fundraising Manager for Daybreak said: “You all did such an amazing job and the amount raised was phenomenal. This will help us provide extra support for those at home with dementia, pay for more music therapists and other specialists in the clubs, and support families with respite. It is so impressive to see CRM’s community-minded values in action.”

The total raised for Daybreak Oxford by CRM in 2021 and 2020 now stands at over £6,500.

This week, as well as supporting a charity for the older generation, we also mark World Prematurity Day and celebrate our Technical Director Alan Sowden’s own special cause – SSNAP (Supporting the Sick Newborn and their Parents). With 1 in 13 babies born early, World Prematurity Day raises awareness of premature birth and the impact it has on families.

Alan is the Treasurer for SSNAP which is based at the Neonatal Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital. Alan and his wife Natalie understand how essential the charity’s services are since they received help when their daughter Daisy was born three months early. Daisy is now a lively, clever 5-year-old but Alan and Natalie are still very involved in the charity.

“There is still no physical volunteering allowed at the Neonatal Unit for obvious reasons and with the Oxford Half Marathon cancelled in 2020, parents and the charity’s funds were hit hard,” said Alan. “I managed to identify a number of grants that the charity applied for and we actually came through the pandemic in a stronger financial position than expected.

“It was fabulous that the Oxford Half Marathon was back ‘up and running in 2021 and a huge team of 270 runners took part, raising around £100,000 for SSNAP, including Martin, the Charity Lead who ran the 13.1 miles with a washing machine strapped to his back! The funds raised are vital to continue the work of the charity – supporting parents through the emotional, practical and financial strains of having a premature baby in the hospital. There is also a wish list of equipment that we raise money to buy, such as special breathing machines and cooling mattresses.”

CRM supports its staff by offering them each three hours per month to volunteer their time and skills with a charity of their choice. Many members of staff use this time to make a big difference to charities that are close to their hearts.

A big thanks to our Charity Race Night sponsors and supporters:

Oxford Business Community Network

Elwood & Co.

Elm Tree Motor Company

Plastic Head Music Distribution

Think, Inspire & Create

DGM Electrical (Oxford) Ltd


IP Asset


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