Cooking support Wantage families struggling financially due to Covid 19
Maymessy aims to support as many parents as we can by facilitating how make cheap, healthy, nutritious and tasty meals on a limited budget.
We have been running workshops twice weekly from 9th March 2021 as per government guidelines for a small group of mums.
We have been using food bank ingredients and seasonal vegetables to make realistic, easy and healthy family meals.
Vegetable lasagna, soups, making and baking bread and tray bakes have been on the menu.
Generous funding for cookery classes from Vale of White Horse Council Covid grant.
We are particularly supporting families from the Wantage Corona support group who have been struggling financially due to Covid.
The families identified through collaboration from The Ray Collins Charitable Trust who also supported us financially through blenders and taxis and the Mix Wantage with food bank ingredients and seasonal veg.
“I had my first cooking lesson and I was so overwhelmed with my experience. I used new techniques and tried new food and it was wonderful . I have had a rough 9 months and I look forward to doing this course.”
“Since coming to Maymessy, this is the first time I have felt myself … not being mummy me, not being osteoarthritis me- This is the best I have felt in 17months.” Sarah O March 2021
“Learnt where to get food from the Mix, and how to cook with it as old veg was going in the bin” Briony
“Hey Kids and bloke loved dinner tonight …my partner said he would eat it any day as it was so lovely xxx” Lentil and veg lasagne and homemade garlic bread” Sarah C March 2021
Thank you to Wantage Town Council for your generous funding for group 3 starting end of April 2021.
Looking for funding for advanced cookery classes, first aid, budgeting and portion sizes.
Please get in touch with me anna@maymessy.com
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