
COVID-19 Business Resilience Fund

Grant Process and Panel Requirements: Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) have created a business resilience fund to help support businesses impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

The fund is designed to complement the range of support available from HM Government and provide eligible businesses with unmatched grants ranging from £1k – £10k.

Revenue grants of up to £5k, or capital grants of up to £10k can be used to support Sole Traders and SMEs (including charities and Social Enterprises) with activities which align with our three key aims which are to:

• Build business resilience
• Strengthen growth
• Protect jobs

There is £250,000 available for revenue grants and £500,000 available for capital grants.
Businesses can apply for both a revenue and capital grant (with appropriate justification) on
the same application form. Each will be assessed individually and in combination.

Download the COVID-19 Grant Process Information Here
Download the COVID-19 OxLEP Grant Application Form Here
Download the COVID-19 Grant Guidance Terms & Conditions Here

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