
Doctors team up to share homely location at Howbery Business Park

The tranquillity and homely feel of Howbery Business Park are proving ideal for Dr Mandy Smiton and Dr Cassie Coleman, as they settle into new premises in The Cottage. Community Paediatrician Dr Cassie and Clinical Psychologist Dr Mandy chose to move their practises to Howbery Park when their previous premises in Wallingford changed use. Sharing […]

The tranquillity and homely feel of Howbery Business Park are proving ideal for Dr Mandy Smiton and Dr Cassie Coleman, as they settle into new premises in The Cottage.

Community Paediatrician Dr Cassie and Clinical Psychologist Dr Mandy chose to move their practises to Howbery Park when their previous premises in Wallingford changed use. Sharing The Cottage makes sense as both specialise in working with young people with autism and ADHD. Cassie’s team conducts diagnoses and offer treatment, while Mandy and associates provide therapy for children with ADHD and autism, as well as other mental health challenges.

“For young people having psychological therapy, a nice environment makes a big difference, explained Dr Mandy. “It’s important too to have small, sound-proof rooms that can be closed, as our work is confidential. The Cottage is spot-on. The park is good for parents too – they can go to the café or walk around the grounds, or just sit under a tree.”

“The homely environment helps young people and their families feel more relaxed,” added Dr Cassie. “We’ve comfortable rooms for sessions, as well as office space. “There are trees outside the windows. We even sometimes go outside for sessions. The outside space is lovely – you forget it’s a business park.”

Dr Mandy and Dr Cassie are making the most of the grounds themselves too for much needed breaks in their busy schedules – both teams are in great demand. Dr Cassie appreciates the lack of noise (apart from the chinooks) in the park while Dr Mandy enjoys watching the boats by the river.

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