
Engineering Excellence Sponsors return to Cherwell Business Awards

High Spec Composites Ltd are very proud to be returning sponsors of the Engineering Excellence category in the Cherwell Business Awards 2024. The Engineering Excellence Award is open to businesses of all sizes who are engineering and manufacturing quality products or components within the Cherwell District.

Applicants should:

Have been trading for more than 1 year, with at least one EOY financial statement available.

Be able to demonstrate how they are investing in and developing products, skills, or processes to maintain, improve or grow their business.

Have excellent leadership with a business strategy to support long-term success.

Have a clear understanding of current and new markets plus opportunities for growth.

Judges would also be interested to find out:

Location of supply chain and customer base.

If the business has policies or plans in place for sustainability or a net-zero future.

How the business and management have overcome challenges.

How the business manages quality assurance.

Winners of the High Spec Composites Engineering Excellence category 2023, Simon Laughlin, Production Director of The Little Car Company reflected  “It was wonderful to be nominated and shortlisted amongst such prestigious companies within the local area. Then to win was a very pleasant surprise. Often in a busy working environment it’s hard to take time to appreciate the time and effort that has gone into our projects. The Awards helped reflect for the whole team. As a newer business in the area and industry it reaffirmed our place within the local community which we hope to grow further.” 

Sarah Jaycock, Executive Director at HS Composites added. “As a business we have seen the positive impact of entering events like the Cherwell Business Awards over the years. It’s great to win but the process of applying and meeting other businesses is invaluable, so I would always recommend entering….you never know!”

Nominations and entries are open now:

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