
Free Microsoft Accredited Courses with Activate Learning

I am pleased to share with you all the free Microsoft Accredited courses that we are offering to our employer partners with Activate Learning.

Yourself and colleagues can register for FREE for any of the following courses;

  • AI Fundamentals
  • Cloud Computing Fundamentals
  • Cloud Security Fundamentals
  • Data Fundamentals
  • Dynamics 365 Fundamentals 
  • Power Platforms Fundamentals 

Courses are studied remotely and take on average 30 hours to complete. All learners will be supported by a Digital Coach. To be eligible for the free course, you must either live, or have a base or office, within the boundaries of Oxfordshire, Berkshire, North Hants and North Surrey, even if you don’t use that base or office. There are currently no limitations as to the number of courses, or the number of employees that can sign up for the free courses.

To register sign up here – Microsoft Accredited Pathways – Activate Learning – Adult Education

More information is also attached on the flyer.

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