Growth, Development and Organisational Change…
Through our Retained Exclusive Service, we were able to rapidly mobilise and assist a client at pace to meet their needs as they set-up as a new Limited by Guarantee entity. There were complexities involved with all they wanted to achieve within a set timeframe, given that there was an imminent requirement to transfer a group of staff from one organisation to another.
We take great pride in getting to know our clients needs and responding in their style and approach, within a broader landscape of keeping in touch with the sectors we work with. We use these insights when creating bespoke workplans that enable our clients’ organisation to flourish and grow, as our case study below demonstrates:

The client satisfaction we obtain through obtaining feedback from their experience of our Human Resources and Organisational Development support is invaluable. We are proud of all that we have accomplished over the years with BLEP and so are they, check out their fabulous testimonial below:
We engaged the retained HR services of You HR on the cusp of transferring (TUPE) into our own organisational entity having been established as part of the local authority. Despite the challenges that COVID-19 have presented, You HR’s virtual way of working with us has enabled a wealth of quality HR activity to be progressed, from HR system implementation, HR advice and guidance, handbook implementation and more. They continue to support us and ensure we keep driving forward our people agenda and good management practice.
Ian Barham, Partnerships Manager
Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership
Whatever your circumstance, there is an opportunity to reflect on the recent challenges you have faced and crystallise what has worked well for you in how you have progressed change in your organisation. It’s priceless to do so and only you can write your story on this – this narrative will be vital when you begin to map out your future.
Adapting to the ‘new normal’ and whatever this has become will take time and will need nurturing. Whether there are difficult or complex decisions to make in introducing change, that can often leave leaders feeling they are in a lonely place, we are here to help.
This case study clearly highlights the value of our personalised Retained services, where we are able to build strong and trusted relationships with our clients whilst providing all their HR and OD needs, in an approach that’s fitting for their culture, brand and entity.
Get in touch by clicking here and book a FREE confidential, no obligation HR Consultation to find out how we can help You! #itsallaboutthepeople
We welcome supporting more Not for Profit, Public Sector or SME’s that resonate with our philosophy to grow an organisation through its most important asset #itsallaboutthepeople!
By Jazmine Talbot
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