
How to support a hybrid workforce

A response comment from Sridhar Iyengar, MD, Zoho Europe on the recent study from McKinsey which found that the proportion of employees showing a preference for a hybrid work pattern has increased by more than one-fifth (22%).

The Reimagine work survey of 5,043 employees in corporates and governments found there has been a 25% decline in the number of staff who want to work full-time in the office, dropping from 62% pre-Covid to 37% post-pandemic. Over half (52%) of the workers surveyed said they would prefer more flexible work.

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Sridhar Iyengar, MD, Zoho Europe, comments: “The hybrid working format which sees workers operate from a part-home, part-office environment, is clearly becoming the model of choice for a majority of businesses as it provides staff with benefits such as flexibility and wellbeing improvements, all the while injecting a social element back into workspaces.

“With employees now also saying that they would consider switching employers if their organisation returned to fully on-site work, it just goes to show how much the pandemic has changed the workplace perspective.

“As businesses take the ‘hybrid working’ route, it is crucial that decision makers equip staff with better long-term solutions to surging demand for their services. This includes adopting a scalable suite of SaaS and mobile applications, which are designed to enable and streamline head-to-toe hybrid working. The right tools, coupled with the right leadership approach and the right communication, should lead to happy and engaged employees, whether in the office or working remotely.”

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