International Women’s Day
A hundred years ago the first women were being admitted as Solicitors. It was a huge milestone following the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919. Who would have thought it back then, that the profession is now full of women practising in all sectors of the profession. In July 2019, 63.1% of new admissions were women.
By Helen Bishop, consultant lawyer and matrimonial specialist at Boardman Hawkins and Osborne
A hundred years ago the first women were being admitted as Solicitors. It was a huge milestone following the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919.
Who would have thought it back then, that the profession is now full of women practising in all sectors of the profession. In July 2019, 63.1% of new admissions were women.
Not only is this a huge step, but the profession is changing to allow both men and women to have more flexibility within their working lives to mix work and life in a more balanced and measured approach.
At Boardman Hawkins and Osborne, I believe we are leading the way in providing such flexibility and empowering solicitors by adopting a Consultancy model. This means we are self-employed, we manage our working days to suit our family lives so we can have the best of both worlds, a satisfying career and a quality private life.
This flexibility does not have any negative impact on client care, the reality is quite the opposite. By having this flexibility and being able to be fully committed to work, but able to take time to go to the school play or take a couple of hours off to visit a relative or have some ‘me time’, this creates such a positive atmosphere, and without a shadow of a doubt, it increases morale and team work.
I am incredibly proud to be part of a team that was founded by three inspirational, passionate female family lawyers. Emily, Ruth and Irena set up BH&O, which launched on the 3 September 2018. In less than 4 years, with their dynamic and positive approach and drive, BH&O has not just survived the worldwide pandemic over the last 2 years, but it has positively thrived. BH&O started with a team of 9 lawyers and administrative staff. We are now a team of 19!
BH&O is a fantastic example as to why today we should be celebrating International women’s day.
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