
Make a bigger gift to tackle homelessness in Oxford this Christmas

The city of Oxford has one of the most severe rough sleeping and homelessness problems in the UK. We know that on any one night, there are around 100 people sleeping rough in the city, and many more individuals and families in precarious accommodation such as bedsits, friends’ sofas or hostels. The disturbing sight of people sleeping on the streets is just the tip of the iceberg – and we believe we can do better.

We believe everyone deserves the dignity of a place to call home. That is why Oxfordshire Community Foundation (OCF) has partnered with Oxford Poverty Action Trust (OxPAT) to DOUBLE any charitable donations made as part of our #PlacetoCallHome Christmas Match Fund.

OxPAT has been working in the city for over 20 years, offering an alternative to giving money directly to people on the streets. Funds raised are shared between nine key homelessness charities doing vital work with vulnerable people in the city.

Giving in this way has a greater impact than making direct cash gifts to individuals: it empowers leading charities with expertise in the complex issues that drive homelessness. They are then equipped to provide support with physical and mental health issues, access to benefits and accommodation, workplace skills and much more, bringing about lasting improvements and helping change people’s lives.

From Monday 10th December 2018 to Sunday 6th January 2019, OCF will give £1 for every £1 donated via OxPAT’s website or city centre collection boxes. Add potential Gift Aid to this and you can more than double your Christmas gift to help people struggling with homelessness, right on your doorstep.

OCF is committed to tackling rough sleeping and homelessness, and providing a match fund is our festive gift to the city, when we know people would like to be generous. After Christmas, we will continue to use our funds to support leading homelessness initiatives and partnerships in Oxford, in particular the City Conversation on Rough Sleeping, of which OCF is a founding partner.

Please share this opportunity far and wide and encourage your friends and colleagues to give smart via our #PlacetoCallHome appeal.

  • To give online: make a card payment or PayPal transaction using OxPAT’s donation page, powered by CAF. This allows you to add Gift Aid.
  • Other ways to give: these are listed on the OxPAT website.

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