Maymessy is supporting ladies from Refugee Resource into a food related business
We are supporting 11 migrant women into a food related business over the next two years.
This month we had a brilliant zoom workshop on naming a business and branding by Cathy who kindly volunteered her time to support the ladies. She inspired the women to use names and branding to connect with their traditions, cultures and countries of origin through colours, patters, pictures and designs. We are very excited to see what the ladies create.
We are being kindly funded by People’s Health Trust, Health Lottery South East & The Health Lottery for this two year project but already we know we need help with finances for public liability insurance, volunteers to help ladies set up Instagram pages and ideally space for café in Oxford.
We are loving our collaboration with Refugee Resource and thank Fatou the womens co ordinator for her help in this project.
Do get in touch with me anna@maymessy.com
After the incredibly sad new from Afghanistan, many people in Oxfordshire are contacting me to see how they can help.
Below are some great local Oxfordshire organisations and charities.
Volunteers needed …
We are on the look out for setting up another Be friending group and also to help us work with these ladies to set up their businesses.
Wantage cookery classes start back after the summer hols
We are looking forward to re starting cookery classes on a budget with a new group of mums and dads.
More in Business as a Force for Good

Join us to help disadvantaged people in Oxfordshire this winter
Oxfordshire Community Foundation (OCF) have launched an appeal to raise £60,000 towards its Living Essentials Fund. The Living Essentials Fund will help the most disadvantaged people in our county who are struggling to afford the basics – housing, food and warmth. Grants will be made to grassroots charitable organisations across Oxfordshire working to support them […]

B4 Member of the Month – Phil Lawrie, Silverstone Museum
Last month we launched a new Member of the Month Award where a Member is recognised for epitomising the true spirit of B4. Helen Fallon was a very deserving winner of a lovely bottle of Hundred Hills bubbly for being an all-round key part of the B4 community.

B4 BETTER BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM: Target’s ‘Pillars of Purpose’
Sam Kandiyali of Target PR shares Target’s Pillars of Purpose – a conceptual model that explores the relationship between PR and purpose (why an organisation exists).
From this author

Cooking and improving adult mental health in Oxfordshire
In March we had 5 people over from Root and Branch: Root and Branch are an independent charity which promotes recovery from mental health difficulties and a collaboration with Maymessy with Karen identifying 5 people who would benefit from a series of cooking classes.

Bespoke cookery classes to support independent living
We have started up 2 Wantage cooking groups this month.

Thank you Faringdon Town Council
They have kindly agreed a grant so Maymessy can start workshops to support parents struggling financially due to the pandemic.