
Microfilm Microfiche Aperture Card Scanning Services

Microfiche, Microfilm & Aperture Card scanning services at Oxford Duplication Centre

Our microfilm, microfiche and aperture card imaging department can support you with all your scanning, imaging and indexing requirements to help support you into a more digital workplace. We can help you streamline your paper workflow, increase efficiency and productivity and reduce work space. All scans can be prepared to TIFF, JPEG and PDF or files to suit your needs.


16mm Microfiche
The most common microfiche is the 16mm microfiche. Holding over 60 images captured on negative film they can hold documents between A5 A4 and A3.

35mm Microfiche
This type of film holds up to 6 images per sleeve. These are used for large format images typically including engineer and architect drawings, newspapers and plans.

Combi Microfiche
Combi hold a mix of both 16mm microfiche and 35mm microfiche. Images are usually a mix of drawings, plans and A4 documents.

COM Microfiche
This type of rarer fiche contain upto 270 images. Usually used in corporate companies to store reports and data.

16mm Microfilm
This film is the most common microfilm which holds around 2400 A4 images or upto 10000 A5 images. These are the most ideal for storage in the days when film was used for archiving.

What is contained on 16mm microfilm? Typically A4 documents but also smaller documents.
35mm Microfilm

This film was used to store large images. This film can hold around 600 images in large A3 format. Suitable for drawings, plans, engineer and architect drawings.

Aperture Cards
Aperture cards are not in the microfiche and microfilm family but they are very similar in that they store a large image per film. Aperture cards hold 1 large format 35mm image in a card or enclosure and were predominantly used for storage of large format drawings and plans.

All film will be scanned and processed digitally and converted into your preferred format. We can offer PDF, JPEG and TIFF.

We can index using including reference number and name which can be found on the microfiche sleeve or on the film reel.

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is perfect if you wish your documents text searchable. The quality of the OCR does depend upon the quality of your film.

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