
Oxford Business Park Helps Tech Company with Expansion Plans

Oxford Business Park has helped accommodate the fastest growing UK-based life science company.

Perspectum has signed a new 10-year lease at the park and will occupy the first and second floors at the newly-refurbished Building 5520.

The deal will enable Perspectum to house its Oxford employees under one roof, and allow for growth plans over the coming years.

The firm, which develops innovative solutions for the identification and monitoring of metabolic disease and cancer, will take 24,257 sq ft of space.

Dan Williams, development director of Arlington, which owns the business park, said: “The refurbishment of Building 5520 has set a new standard for contemporary office space at the business park. We are delighted that we have been able to accommodate Perspectum Diagnostic’s immediate expansion plans and look forward to working with them as they grow. It is a fantastic addition to the already award-winning park.”

BNP Paribas, VSL & Partners and Lambert Smith Hampton advise Arlington.

Freeths LLP and Bidwells LLP advised Perspectum Diagnostics.

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