
Second report of Mills & Reeve’s ESG Ignite – Interpreting the ESG acronym

In the second report of our ESG Ignite series, we learn that the scope of ESG can differ between organisations based on the industry, business makeup and corporate priorities. Each organisation faces their own, often competing, ESG opportunities and challenges.

What is ESG Ignite?

A series of reports aimed at helping organisations to take a proactive and positive approach to environmental, social and governance issues. Rather than a regulatory burden, ESG is treated as being fundamental to building strong, future-proof foundations.

The series includes thematic insights highlighted during in-depth, face-to-face interviews with 60+ senior leaders across a diverse range of sectors.

We outline insights garnered during our conversations, look at how leading organisations are embracing the move to more sustainable ways of operating, investigate opportunities in the supply chain and leadership, and finish with a view of the future.

What’s covered in the second report?

  • Introduction: our ESG
  • A breakdown of the E, S and G
  • Sector spotlights: education, health & care, and food & agriculture
  • Practical steps in using the ESG framework

Read Report 2 here

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