
Start the year with new skills in a positive atmosphere

Silent Mindfulness Online Day Retreat, ILM5 Coaching and Mentoring Programme & Coaching Supervision Programme.

At Oxford Brookes University Business School, we are committed to supporting and developing individuals and organisations through a range of distinctive online programmes.

Currently, we have spaces available on 3 online courses:

Silent Mindfulness Online Day Retreat

28th February 2021 9am to 5pm
Subsidised £25.00 Fee

Relax and listen to teachings on mindfulness and silence – and practise mindfulness techniques that nurture tranquillity, serenity, equanimity, and insight in these challenging times.

This online day retreat is based on published research on mindfulness and silence conducted by Jeff Waistell of Oxford Brookes Business School. Jeff was presented with the ‘Innovative Paper Award’ for his article on the salience of silence at the prestigious Academy of Management in Boston, and he has published journal articles and presented papers on mindfulness at several United Nations conferences. For nearly half-a-century, Jeff has committed himself to his daily practice of meditation.

For information about the event and to register, please click HERE

ILM5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring

Starting March 2021

Oxford Brookes Business School invites you to Register for this Certificate delivered by our International Centre for Coaching & Mentoring Studies (ICCaMS).

This ILM accredited course will be available as a remote blended course including 12 online interactive webinars plus online study and library resources. Included in the price is supervision, marking, enrolment with ILM and individual tutorials.

To register your interest click NOW

Professional Certificate of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision

Starting 19th May 2021

Limited places are available on the May 2021 Supervision Programme. The programme will consist of 8 half-day sessions via zoom, the dates are: 19-22, 24-27 May (9am to 12:30pm)

This programme in coaching supervision is designed for experienced coaches with an active coaching practice who already have a post graduate qualification in Coaching, Psychology, Counselling or equivalent.

The aim of the programme is to provide highly experienced coaches with an opportunity to extend their competences and skills into the area of coaching supervision.

Further details can be found on the Supervision Programme webpage.

Other Programmes from OBBS will be available soon.

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