
Why You Should Consider Your Documents And Have Them Digitally Preserved.

Digitising paper documents into secure & accessible electronic records.  Our services at Oxford Duplication Centre offer a complete range of document scanning solutions to digitise archives of existing records. We can handle any type of document, from student records to complex technical drawings, from a single file through to entire archives. Our services digitise upto […]

Digitising paper documents into secure & accessible electronic records. 

Our services at Oxford Duplication Centre offer a complete range of document scanning solutions to digitise archives of existing records. We can handle any type of document, from student records to complex technical drawings, from a single file through to entire archives. Our services digitise upto A0 size.
Our Services Offer A Choice of Scanning Solutions
  • Digital images from all sizes of originals – from till receipts to A0-sized plans
  • Digital images of documents and plans in .pdf, pdf/a, .tif or .jpg format
  • Images in colour, greyscale or black and white
  • Full indexing service and optical character recognition (OCR) of .pdf documents, creating ‘digital filing cabinets’ and readable, searchable documents
Scanning your important documents and records enables you to:
  • Reduce storage space
  • Reduce costs
  • Share files
  • Create secure back-ups
You can be assured of accurate, high-quality results. Our machinery are professional sheet fed scanners with front, back and duplex scanning that can digitise thousands of documents per hour. With a full colour optical resolution of 600dpi, we can offer TIFF, JPEG and PDF with OCR options.
1 – Collection
We will pack and collect your documents using our vehicles. 
2 – Preparation
Archive boxes are booked into our office, using our tracking system. Once ready for production, documents are manually prepraed for scanning. (removal of paperclips & staples).
3 – Scanning
Our professional archive technicians will digitise your documents in either B&W, Greyscale or Colour to your resolution requirements. Options include PDF, PDF/OCR, PDF/A, 24-bit Colour, Greyscale, in resolutions from 200dpi upto 1200dpi, depending upon the document media.  Digital images are then indexed and prepared to our server, ready for you to download.
4 – Delivery
Each clients digital documents are uploaded to the cloud, enabling our clients flexible, remote document management access.  Alternatives can be USB or Hard Drive.
Please contact or call 01865 457000 to discuss your project.
Kind regards
Cheryl – Director
Oxford Duplication Centre Ltd

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