Worcester College begins stage three of refurbishments
Phase three of building refurbishments to the terrace, located to the north side of the front quad at Worcester College, Oxford, began on site in March 2020. This is the final and most disruptive phase of the works to the Grade I listed buildings.
At Carter Jonas, the project is led by Michael Lunt, a Partner within our Oxford based Building Consultancy team, who was appointed by Worcester College as their Main Quad Surveyor in 2017. Michael has been assisting the college with obtaining the necessary statutory consents, design, specification, tender and project management for upgrading building services and repairs to many of the front main quad buildings since 2011.
The terrace refurbishment covers not only services renewal and general conservation repairs to the existing joinery wall and ceilings, but also a reconfiguration of a loft conversion on the third floor, which is used as student accommodation currently and was originally built in 1926. Along with a complete redecoration inside and out and repairs to window frames, the works will also provide more toilet and bath/shower room facilities, along with a new copper and stone slate roof covering, and lead parapet gutters.
The logistics, planning, and organisation of this project has been challenging as the property houses a significant proportion of Worcester College’s teaching fellows, along with three seminar rooms, the Law Library and further student accommodation.
As the building industry was not identified by Government as a business sector that had to close during the national lockdown, with careful planning by Worcester College, the work has been able to continue for all but three weeks over the past months.
The noisiest works have generally been addressed during the closure of college and the project is still on track to be completed in early summer 2021, providing there are no local lockdowns or further restrictions placed on the workforce.
For further information, please contact:
Michael Lunt
Partner, Building Consultancy
07718 561063
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