
Working with Oxfordshire County Library

Oxfordshire County Library has signed the charter and pledged their support to Oxford Homeless Movement.

Membership of the Library is free to everyone and to become a member you just need to complete a short membership form and have some identification, then books can be borrowed free of charge. Members do not need to have a fixed address and so books are available to borrow for all. The library in Oxford has offered up their meeting spaces to the Homeless Movement’s Lived Experience Advisory Forum and this has been warmly welcomed by the group. Library visitors also have access to any of the 44 branches across Oxfordshire, which all have free Wi-Fi and are welcome to attend any of the regular free events that take place within the libraries.

Don’t forget that the Christmas Match Fund is due to finish in the next few days, so thanks to everyone who has donated so far. If you want to make a donation please do this before 6 January 2020, so that it is matched!

“Thanks to all the generous people who have donated so far, we have raised over £105,000 to date. Remember anything donated before 6 January will be doubled so please keep on helping us by donating at

Whilst on the website also take a moment to Sign up to the Charter.

I repeat ‘Nobody should have to sleep rough in our city’. Everyone should get involved – businesses, individuals and organisations.”

Jane Cranston – Chair Oxford Homeless Movement

How you can help with the Oxford Homeless Movement

• Sign our charter – increasing public awareness and understanding of rough sleeping, to generate funding and commitment in kind, and to find and deliver effective lasting solutions to end rough sleeping in Oxford.

• Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook, subscribe to get our updates and visit our website

• Volunteer – give your time, there are many different skills needed across the various homeless charities and community groups supporting people sleeping rough

• Donate – clothing, furniture, books and other items

Visit to find out more.

You can donate online at

or by sending a cheque to:
Oxford Homeless Movement
PO Box 941

OCF will hold and distribute all money raised to:
• homelessness charities that are members of Oxford Homeless Movement
• help provide services at the assessment centre and shelter opening in Floyds Row from January 2020
• an impact fund that will be used to fund the development of new initiatives filling critical gaps between services reducing rough sleeping.

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