
B4 podcast: An interview with Dominic Hare & Grant Hayward

Can a business thrive if it’s not challenging itself to be more responsible?

This episode of the B4 Business Podcast comes live from Blenheim Palace and discusses whether a business can thrive if it’s not challenging itself to be more responsible. The podcast features:

Dominic Hare, Chief Executive Officer at Blenheim Palace.
He took over as CEO in 2017 and has recently set 10 ambitious goals to help Blenheim connect with the local community, reduce its environmental impact and develop a number of other key aspects of its business model.

Grant Hayward, Founder and Director of Collaborent, which helps businesses become more purposeful with positive social and environmental impact. Grant also wears many other hats supporting including support and promotion for Social Enterprise, B Corps and enterprising charities.

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