
Interview with Jarl Severn CEO of Owen Mumford

Selected as one of the World Economic Forum’s Global Growth Companies in 2014, Owen Mumford is a leading medical device manufacturer developing pioneering products for own brand and OEM custom device solutions for global pharmaceutical and diagnostic partners.

Based in Oxfordshire, the company has sales and distribution operations in Europe, USA, Asia and Latin America and exports over 85% of products to over 60 countries. In business for 70 years, Owen Mumford’s focus is on long-term investment to deliver sustainable business growth. With a strong R&D capability, the company’s objective is to develop solutions that address today’s healthcare demands, improve quality of life, encourage compliance to treatment and reduce healthcare costs.

About Jarl Severn

In this edition of The CEO Challenge, I’m chatting with Owen Mumford’s, Jarl Severn. Jarl brings decades of management experience in finance, sales and marketing across a variety of sectors and is responsible for sales growth, the expansion of Owen Mumford’s operations, and managing the research and development of new products. Since joining the company in 2008, Jarl has overseen significant growth at Owen Mumford including a doubling of sales and the introduction of new, future-facing facilities in the UK and Asia-Pacific region as part of an ongoing growth strategy. Jarl has spearheaded an innovative spirit within Owen Mumford, focusing significant investment in research and development to ensure the company keeps pace with technological transformation and embraces new processes, materials, and products.

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