
Leading Innovators: Interview with Wendy Tindsley of Oxford Innovation

In this episode of the B4 podcast, Wendy tells B4 more about OI, her role and why she’s so proud of the role that OI plays in helping businesses thrive.

Wendy Tindsley is Innovation Director at Oxford Innovation (OI), the UK’s leading innovation and incubation centre operator which operates 26 Innovation Centres (home to 1000+ SMEs) across the UK. OI provides tailored in-house business support and work with high potential, innovative early stage enterprises to unlock their growth potential.

As an experienced business support professional, Wendy has a scientific background and has run several businesses herself. With experience of obtaining funding for R&D and capital investment and a good knowledge of innovative technologies across different sectors, Wendy’s passion is helping ambitious businesses to achieve rapid and sustainable growth.

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