
Myth-Busting Purpose

In this episode of The Real Meaning of Business, Sam Kandiyali and Steve Cook are joined by Andy Green as they tackle some of the myths surrounding purpose and meaning in business.

Following on from last month’s session where we started to explore ‘what’ is the real meaning of business with Dom and Mike – and how for them it’s more than just about profit, in this episode we’re going to continue to explore the ‘what’ element a little more.

So, why are people talking or indeed not talking about purpose / why businesses exist / the real meaning of business? What are the challenges or the myths that might be holding some organisations back? Some of those myths being:

  • It takes loads of money
  • It takes loads of time
  • You need specialist support to help you
  • You have to be perfect first
  • You have to address all elements of your business at once
  • It’s just a case of creating a strapline (purpose washing)
  • It’s just about donating to charity
  • It’s just about being green
  • You don’t need buy in from your team

And more!

About Andy Green

Andy is co-creator of the Dublin Conversations – a comprehensive set of open source canvases (a methodology designed for organisations to engage in purpose meaningfully and become purposeful themselves) designed over 4 years by leading academics as a deep dive into everything human condition, purpose, purposewash and GTM/expression related. He has written 7 books (translated into 8 languages) on purpose, creativity, social capitals, org change etc and he lectures at 5 Universities. He is co-founder of ‘Grow Social Capital’, founder of The Tummler School and co-founder of Unstitution. He’s given open lectures on the London Underground and in 2020, took the Dublin Conversations on a virtual World Tour! Everything in Andy’s world is about making purposefulness, social capital creation etc. accessible and easy.

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