OSEP launches POP2020 to celebrate business as a force for good
Organisations from across Oxfordshire are coming together to take part in POP2020: Power of Purpose Week, celebrating business as a force for good.
What: POP2020 – Power of Purpose Week
Date: Monday 16th – Friday 20th November
Where: Online
OSEP is excited to launch the inaugural POP2020: Power of Purpose week from 16th November to 20th November 2020.
The week coincides with Global Entrepreneurship Week, and Social Enterprise Day on 19th November.
POP2020 is a festival of events and activities in collaboration with key partners and stakeholders across Oxfordshire celebrating business as a force for good, and providing support for businesses at this critical time.
At the heart of the week will be a showcase of some of the inspiring work taking place as part of eScalate, an enterprise support programme being delivered by OSEP, working with OxLEP Business, and funded by the European Regional Development Fund. eScalate supports social enterprises, social entrepreneurs, enterprising charities and purposeful businesses through workshops, peer to peer sessions, one to ones, and grant funding.
POP2020: Power of Purpose Week Events include:
16/11/20: How to Scale Your Purpose Project with Richard Kennell, CEO of SOFEA community larder
18/11/20: OSEP’s Virtual Social Enterprise & Buyer Meet Up for Oxfordshire hosted by Paul Roberts and Sophie Kilmister from Aspire Oxfordshire. Buyers include Oxford City Council, Blenheim Palace and Oxford University, alongside Social Value UK
19/11/20: Tap Social Business ‘Taster’ & Pub Quiz with a chance to meet other social entrepreneurs and hear how Tap has inspired the next generation of social enterprises
20/11/20: Social Enterprise and Climate Action: Where Are We At? CAG Oxfordshire will be in discussion with Pip Wheaton from Ashoka
20/11/20: Town Sq, based at the Eco Business Centre in Bicester, will be discussing The Future of Work & how we can create productive and sustainable workplaces
eScalate programme manager, Ashley Cavers said;
“Increasingly, businesses are recognising their social and environmental responsibility, and the importance of business as a force for good. POP2020 celebrates that, and showcases the inspiring work being done through the eScalate programme to support the growing number of purposeful businesses in Oxfordshire.”
Paul Roberts, CEO of Aspire Oxfordshire commented;
“The inaugural Power of Purpose week is all about celebrating business as a force for good in Oxfordshire, and this is needed more now than ever before. As a leading social enterprise in Oxfordshire and as one of OSEP’s eScalate Hubs, Aspire wants to play its part to realise greater social and environmental impact in the county. A key way of doing this is by enabling local Buyers to deliver social value through procuring their goods and services from more social enterprises. Cultivating relationships between Oxfordshire’s Buyers and social enterprises is critical to achieving this, so our virtual gathering on 18th November is an exciting and important step forwards.”
Sarah Beal, Growth Hub Programme Executive at OxLEP Business remarked;
“We are delighted to be a part of the inaugural Power of Purpose event; showcasing OxLEP’s eScalate programme which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Working with OSEP CIC, the eScalate programme supports social enterprises and other purposeful businesses to strengthen their contribution to their communities and to the local economy. POP2020 offers a range of fantastic events and activities to support these enterprises for social good.”
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