UK still uncomfortable talking about race, new survey finds

Business in the Community (BITC), the Prince’s Responsible Business Network, has today published the findings of the 2021 Race at Work survey which captures the views of over 24,600 employees in the UK. The survey found that the UK is still uncomfortable talking about race with only four in 10 employees saying that their employers are comfortable discussing race in the workplace, increasing only by 3% since 2018.

Facebook’s Market Cap Grew By $101 Billion Average Per Year Over...

Facebook is the youngest of the crème de la crème of the top performing firms globally. According to the research data analyzed and published by, its market cap has increased by a cumulative $932.0 billion under Mark Zuckerberg’s leadership. In the 9.3 years that he has been at the helm, it grew by an average of $100.7 billion annually.