Apprenticeships Panel with Oxfordshire LEP
Apprenticeships Panel with Oxfordshire LEP with Shilpa Bhatt – OUH NHS Foundation Trust & David Martin – OAS & UKAEA.
Apprenticeships Panel with Oxfordshire LEP with Shilpa Bhatt – OUH NHS Foundation Trust & David Martin – OAS & UKAEA.
Business done right is a force for good in our society. Now more than ever, social and environmental responsibility are essential parts of doing business, whether here in the UK or elsewhere in the world.
Work continues to rapidly shift. A few years ago, technologies and innovations like big data, AI, machine learning, Blockchain and cloud were relatively unknown, yet today they’re ubiquitous, and with recent events, essential.
Always under price pressure? margins not where you would like them to be? constant comparisons to the competition on price? The value your business provides, is very often, at best misunderstood and at worst undersold, both scenarios will quickly lead to the conversation about price, but it doesn’t need to that way.
OSEP CIC is a Social Enterprise, set up to support purposeful businesses, social enterprises, social entrepreneurs and enterprising charities across Oxfordshire and it is delighted to have partnered with Blenheim under the B4 Nexus programme.
Stephen Cook is a highly experienced Strategist and optimist (and depending on who you talk to, ‘some bloke in a hat’, business consultant, maverick, curious mind, leadership confidante, creative, growth catalyst, visionary, change agent, story maker, sweary git and truth teller).
Everything we do during and after this crisis must be with a strong focus on building a more equal, inclusive and sustainable economy and community in Oxford, that is more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other challenges we face.
Want to stand out and attract new customers in today’s tough marketplace? You’re in luck.
How to navigate lockdown and emerge stronger, wiser, and more able. This is a period we and our children will remember for the rest of our lives- this workshop invites you to make it meaningful.
This talk describes the journey Ian Pritchett and his various companies have been through over the last 30 years, recognising and understanding Climate Change.
Do you work for your business, or does your business work for you?
Modus Accountants will be hosting an interactive session on preparing you and your business for re-launch and thriving post lockdown.
The You HR philosophy is visualised in the Consultancy’s Tree of People Growth. We will share how our tree represents all that our brand stands for and all that we practice; to enable growth through any businesses most important asset, their people!
How easy are you making it for your customers to do business with you, and has COVID-19 made this harder?
This talk will look at ways Oxford City Council and partners are working to stimulate a better economic recovery in a world that is changing rapidly after the events of 2020.