Single-Use Plastic Ban in England

Embracing Sustainability: England’s single-use plastics ban A Step Towards a Greener Future In a historic move towards a greener future, England has implemented a ban on specific single-use plastic items, effective from October the 1st, 2023. This progressive step is a response to the global call for reducing plastic pollution and fostering a more sustainable […]


Blenheim is fully committed to sustaining, growing and sharing the precious resources of the Estate, the Park and the Palace. It adopts a three-pillar approach to sustainability by being the lifeblood of the local economy, enhancing the lives of local people and sharing this magnificent place to conserve and protect it for future generations.

Christmas at Blenheim Palace

A fantastic new theme has been announced for Christmas 2024, The story of Sleeping Beauty. Explore the Palace state rooms transformed by the retelling of this classic fairy-tale for a new generation, from the Great Hall filled by a huge glistening Christmas tree to the candle-lit bedchamber where Aurora sleeps, watched over by the Lilac Fairy.