Single-Use Plastic Ban in England

Embracing Sustainability: England’s single-use plastics ban A Step Towards a Greener Future In a historic move towards a greener future, England has implemented a ban on specific single-use plastic items, effective from October the 1st, 2023. This progressive step is a response to the global call for reducing plastic pollution and fostering a more sustainable […]

Top Reasons Aesthetic Office Design is Key in the Modern Workplace

In the contemporary business landscape, aesthetic office design has risen to prominence as a fundamental element shaping the modern workplace. It plays a pivotal role in moulding employee experiences, driving productivity, and ultimately influencing overall business success. Amidst the backdrop of rapid technological advancements, hybrid work structures, and evolving employee expectations, creating an attractive and […]


INTERTRONICS supplies adhesives, coatings, sealants and equipment to customers with high technology, high-performance assembly applications. Our customers are manufacturers in industries such as electronics, medical devices, plastics, optical, automotive, energy, defence and aerospace.

Maps, Plans & Posters | Oversized Scanning Solutions

Our services at Oxford Duplication Centre offer oversize scanning solutions for maps, plans and posters of any document type, from parchment, linen, cotton and paper. Our archive technicians have extensive experience in digitising complex document types into high quality digital files, ideal for archival purposes, viewing and uploading. Output formats are straightforward offering any type […]