LGBT History Month
February is LGBT History Month, a great time for businesses to think about how inclusive they really are for LGBT employees and what they can do to become more so.
February is LGBT History Month, a great time for businesses to think about how inclusive they really are for LGBT employees and what they can do to become more so.
Nicola Wallbank of Julian Taylor Solicitors talks us through what to expect from employment law in 2021.
Nicola Wallbank of Julian Taylor Solicitors talks us through what to expect from employment law in 2021.
Moorcrofts corporate team has advised XCD HR Limited (“XCD”) on a c.£2m investment in Bristol-based XCD, the provider of the UK’s only HR and Net Payroll solution on the Salesforce platform.
The world of work is changing. Artificial intelligence, automation, remote working, and robotics will make this shift as significant as the mechanisation in prior generations of agriculture and mass manufacturing. While some jobs will be lost, and many others created, almost all will change.
You HR Consultancy is excited to announce they have relaunched their online You HR Academy specifically to support the management and development of remote working teams in small to medium-sized businesses without an in-house HR function.
Competitive advantage means positioning your company ahead of other companies to achieve superiority in quality, cost, value, market position or innovation. Regardless of what it means to a company, it may be the single factor to attaining success and business sustainability.
At You HR Consultancy we are advocates of ensuring that all businesses have the fundamental basics of HR in place.
B4 is delighted to announce that long standing HR provider, You HR Consultancy, have been appointed as B4’s Official HR Partner.
For You HR, as leading experts in the fields of HR and Organisational Development, we have not only have achieved success as a small business in the field of wellbeing for over a decade but also in our combined careers of working in the health sector (over 50 years of NHS experience)!
B4 One talks to Jonna Mundy of You HR Consultancy about everything HR and Covid.
1. Since lockdown I have disciplined myself and the team to do something daily that supports their wellbeing, whether exercising, healthy eating, relaxation, or reaching out to different people across their network of friends, family and acquaintances to keep connected.
The You HR philosophy is visualised in the Consultancy’s Tree of People Growth. We will share how our tree represents all that our brand stands for and all that we practice; to enable growth through any businesses most important asset, their people!
As a longstanding and valued B4 member, You HR wanted to show their appreciation across the network by sharing their Business Leaders Guide to Coming out of Lockdown with all members.
Despite my 20 years working in HR, most as a ‘fellow’ of the CIPD, the current ‘unknown’ state of our society is troubling for us all. Nothing preceding can tell us how to try and navigate our way through such difficult times.