Equipping your Managers and Leaders to Cope 

58% of respondents from a recent survey You HR has run, said that they do not feel they are equipping their managers with mentoring or coaching to work through the complexity of people matters that arise in the workplace or aligning their people plans with their organisational strategy.

People Digest #2

Read the latest from the B4 community on all things Personal – from health & happiness to promotions & achievements. Featuring Members such as Databasix, Oxford Bus Company, Blenheim Palace, Freeths and many more.

Love AND Business?

No, they’re not two words you would often hear or say in the same sentence, but for Alan Wick, ‘love’ underpins his approach to business and always has. B4’s Richard Rosser had the absolute pleasure of finding out more about this engaging business coach based in Sussex who has, thankfully, recently joined the B4 community.