You HR Consultancy, Business as ewesual

As the world responds to the outbreak of COVID-19, our You HR thoughts are with the people affected and the millions of health and social care professionals working around the clock to help those most at need, and to all those that will support the Country in trying to keep it functioning at such an unprecedented time.

Oxfordshire Voice: A Focus on Transport

Oxfordshire Voice (OV) approaches its first year anniversary with much still to do, but that was always going to be the case with such a high bar set from the outset. There’s a growing sense of permanence amongst the OV partners with a strong board established and sub boards set up to bolster admin and governance, establish a communications strategy and focus on some of the key issues in more detail, starting with the formation of a transport sub group.

B4 Blenheim Dinner at Halloween

Sixty B4 members and guests were treated to a wonderful evening of fine dining and entertainment in the saloon at Blenheim Palace on Wednesday 30th October. Our host, Blenheim CEO, Dominic Hare, welcomed guests with an engaging update on progress to date and plans for the future.

Where are you?

Embracing diversity and an ageing population in the workplace. At You HR Consultancy we work hard to practice what we teach and creating a diverse workforce is an important part of who we are.

Is Plant Based a Game Changer?

The most talked-about diet right now is the plant-based diet; the new name for vegan. Plant-based diets have been growing in popularity over the past few years but growth has been accelerated or at least discussion around turning plant-based, by the documentary Game Changer.