B4 Blenheim Dinner at Halloween

Sixty B4 members and guests were treated to a wonderful evening of fine dining and entertainment in the saloon at Blenheim Palace on Wednesday 30th October. Our host, Blenheim CEO, Dominic Hare, welcomed guests with an engaging update on progress to date and plans for the future.

Where are you?

Embracing diversity and an ageing population in the workplace. At You HR Consultancy we work hard to practice what we teach and creating a diverse workforce is an important part of who we are.

Is Plant Based a Game Changer?

The most talked-about diet right now is the plant-based diet; the new name for vegan. Plant-based diets have been growing in popularity over the past few years but growth has been accelerated or at least discussion around turning plant-based, by the documentary Game Changer.

Talent Spotter: How to attract and retain Millennials in your workplace

We’ve all said it ‘‘doesn’t that policeman/solicitor/doctor look young’’. A sure sign that we’re all getting older. And the fact is, that we are getting older, and for every year that passes in our working lives, another wave of young, fresh, technologically advanced employees enters the workforce, bringing with them fresh ideas, new ways of working, and high levels of expectations.

The B4 Business Podcast launches with digital debate

B4 has launched a new monthly business podcast featuring business leaders discussing topical issues.  The first episode is available now to listen to on Soundcloud presented by Emma Gascoigne from Big Foot Communications and joined by guests Frank Nigriello, Corporate Affairs Director at Unipart Group and Simon Biltcliffe, CEO of Webmart.  In the 20 minute podcast, Frank and Simon discuss the opportunities and threats of digitalisation and stress the importance of working with schools to help plug the digital skills gap.

Engaging The Next Generation

Oxfordshire Voice has been set up to find solutions for the key challenges facing Oxfordshire businesses. Whilst many solutions have and are being implemented by businesses on a daily basis (flexible working, car pooling etc….) to overcome these challenges, larger policy related changes may well take years to implement.