Loan secured for phase two of building project on organic pig...

In summer 2019, Carter Jonas were instructed by AMC (Agricultural Mortgage Corporation) to visit an organic pig farm and apple pressing facility near Princes Risborough. Having secured planning permission for a new dwelling at the farm, the owners were looking to re-package an existing mortgage and for a new loan facility enabling them to build phase one of their new home.

The Oxford Trust welcomes five new science and tech businesses during...

The Oxford Trust, the charity encouraging the pursuit of science and enterprise, has welcomed five new occupiers during lockdown across its two Oxford innovation centres: The Oxford Centre for Innovation next to Oxford Castle and The Wood Centre for Innovation in Headington’s Global Health & Life Sciences District. In addition, two current occupiers have taken expansion space, bringing the total new space taken during lockdown to 4,000 sq ft.

Positive Steps with Rowan Waller of Wallers Estate Agents

1. Creating a viewing experience when we had no ability (or permission, by order of the government) to actually view. We set out creating video tours for all of our instructions and we encourage our clients to opt for our 3D Virtual Tours which we create using Matterport – these provide online users with an interactive online viewing experience, where the customer is in control of the viewing.