A new opportunity for landowners and developers? Carter Jonas considers conservation...
The agricultural community is preparing for the biggest shake-up to face the sector in 40 years.
Here you will find content relating to the Property sector, covering development, both commercial and residential, construction, interior design, property services, letting and estate agents.
The agricultural community is preparing for the biggest shake-up to face the sector in 40 years.
Witney MP Robert Courts officially opened Blenheim Estate Homes’ landmark Park View development on Thursday, 23rd January.
Family-owned construction firm Beard has published a book marking 125 years of the company.
Oxford Business Park has a long history of providing work space and associated services to businesses in the City. In 1994 a revolution occurred with the closure of the former Morris Motors factory and the development of Oxford Business Park by Arlington. The City was emerging from its roots in manufacturing and a new environment that included work space, a Hotel, Children’s Nursery, Health Club and a Retail park was created providing a community for multiple businesses from a wide variety of backgrounds.
There has been a noticeable change in the private rented sector in recent years. Legislative developments have undoubtedly served to discourage investment into the buy-to-let market by the private landlord, whilst, simultaneously, the institutional-led build-to-rent (BTR) model is being promoted.
Ambitious scientists with big ideas who are tipped to “change the world” now have the space to succeed following the launch of a purpose-built hub in Oxford.
An Oxfordshire HR consultancy empowering individuals to take control of their own happiness at work is looking forward to a bright future at the Witney Business & Innovation Centre (BIC) after securing funding following a Dragons’ Den-style pitch.
A leading light in the economic development of the Thames Valley has been confirmed as the Deputy Managing Director of the UK’s foremost innovation centre operator.
The developer of an innovative DNA-based diet and lifestyle app fended off strong competition to successfully deliver an award-winning presentation at an annual Oxfordshire competition.
Howbery Business Park will spend the next year championing bees, having signed up to a scheme that rewards biodiversity initiatives.
The Tenant Fee Act 2019 creates stringent new laws that affect all residential landlords including universities, colleges, private and institutional landlords, and their agents. There are significant financial penalties if the terms of tenancy agreements do not comply with the new regulations.
The summer months are traditionally for relaxation, however, Oxfordshire and its surrounding regions have been a hive of activity, particularly when it comes to commercial property.
The newly-opened, state-of-the-art Wood Centre for Innovation (WCFI) has a prime selection of flexible office and lab space, impressive meeting and conference facilities as well as a dedicated package of support for local science and tech businesses.
Oxford Business Park has helped accommodate the fastest growing UK-based life science company.
Late 2019 will see the launch of The Lambourn, a creative and exciting new business hub in the heart of Abingdon, beautifully designed to offer a wide variety of workspace.