Ash in Surrey welcomes the launch of a new show home

Bellway is pleased to introduce a fabulous show home at Wildflower Meadow. Situated in the Surrey village of Ash – just five minutes from Aldershot – this stylish development comprises 154 new homes, ranging from two to four-bedroom houses. Buyers can visit the latest show home at Wildflower Meadow from August 28th – a beautifully appointed four-bedroom house.

Environmental organisation chooses Howbery Business Park with expansion in mind

Having navigated the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ecosystems Knowledge Network decided to move to Howbery Business Park to give it the flexibility to expand on site. Through events and advice, Ecosystems Knowledge Network helps a diverse network of 3,000 professionals to learn from one another about harnessing the value of a restored environment […]

Kadans expands Oxford footprint with two new acquisitions at Abingdon Science...

Kadans has added two further buildings at Abingdon Science Park, Oxfordshire to its Pan-European science park portfolio. The assets, Monarch House and Penlon House were acquired from two separate private clients. The two buildings sit adjacent to Kadans existing ownership of The Science Quadrant. Monarch House and Penlon House total c.50,000 sq ft. As part of the acquisition Kadans will be renovating Monarch House and providing new, high quality laboratory and office accommodation.

COEL teeing off to a great start at Ely City Golf...

Nestled in the stunning North Cambridgeshire countryside sits Ely City Golf Club. This much lauded trophy winning club has long retained a reputation as a sought-after golf club and an exceptional sporting facility, attracting keen players from around the region for many years. The Club management committee sensibly decided to use the recently enforced lockdown […]