Really Connect with B4 at The Story Museum

Telling your business story is a powerful tool for building trust because it humanises your brand, creating a deeper connection with your audience. We regularly see businesses ‘storytelling’ on social media to great effect and it’s something we want to help our Members do on a more regular basis.

Exciting January Events for B4 Members: A Great Start to 2025

January 2025 promises an exhilarating line-up of events for B4 Members, offering opportunities to connect, celebrate, and be inspired. With three unique gatherings, B4 Members can look forward to forging meaningful connections, experiencing rich cultural traditions, and engaging with influential figures in the local community. Here’s a closer look at what’s in store:

Can Your Business Learn from the Super Bowl? 

Last night’s Super Bowl, won by the Kansas City Chiefs, was one of the most-watched television events of the year in the United States, with over 100 million viewers tuning in to watch the game. Many companies see the Super Bowl as an opportunity to reach a large audience and gain market share with half-time adverts costing an eye-watering $7 million! Here are some common strategies that companies use to leverage the Super Bowl to gain market share:

Let’s talk turkey!

Hot off the press – some topical food for thought with a distinctly seasonal flavour and certainly something for businesses to chew over and digest to ensure that they keep abreast of the latest thinking in branding and have a tried and tested recipe for success that isn’t bland for the new year ahead.

By PHIL STRACHAN – The Think Brand not bland Guy