Experts welcome Government delay to digital tax reforms
A delay to tax reforms which would have seen sole traders and small businesses obliged to keep digital records and report income quarterly to HMRC has been welcomed by financial experts.
A delay to tax reforms which would have seen sole traders and small businesses obliged to keep digital records and report income quarterly to HMRC has been welcomed by financial experts.
Whitley Stimpson was delighted to welcome Victoria Prentis MP for North Oxfordshire and Minister of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to its Banbury offices on Thursday 30th September.
The introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) has been delayed to April 2024, giving businesses and landlords breathing room to prepare for the changes needed to ensure that they are compliant.
An annual golfing day, organised by accountants and business advisors Whitley Stimpson, has raised £1,000 for an Oxfordshire charity providing cancer support and therapy.
A tax expert at accountants and business advisors Whitley Stimpson is encouraging business owners to take action after the after the Government announced a 1.25 per cent tax hike on dividend payouts as part of its new Health and Social Care Levy.
An expert is urging families to ensure they plan properly to mitigate the effects of inheritance tax (IHT).
With more than 1.7 billion transactions processed in the past 12 months, Xero’s most-loved feature is becoming even more powerful and beautiful for small businesses
Staff and partners at accountancy firm Whitley Stimpson are celebrating 90 years in business.
We asked Brand Marketing specialist Kate Stinchcombe-Gillies for her top tips on building brand engagement
Post-pandemic economic recovery is likely to push inflation above 3% “for a temporary period”, the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee predicts.
As the business world opens up and we start to attend more meetings in person, here’s a reminder of some of the travel expenses we can claim on our tax return.
Whitley Stimpson is pleased to announce the successful investment agreement between Polar Technology Management Group and BGF in a deal they advised on.
Welcome to our May instalment, we’re approaching the summer months and lockdown measures have eased some more. In this month’s newsletter, we’re going to be looking at winding down your company with retirement in mind, maximising health and fitness sector profits, managing organisational changes and more.
It has been just over a month since the introduction of the domestic VAT reverse charge for building and construction services.
Welcome to our April instalment, the year is simply flying by, isn’t it? In this month’s newsletter, we’re going to be looking at how to make a success of hospitality reopening, adjusting to the new normal, IR35 changes and more.