Innovators, investors and entrepreneurs set to come together at key innovation...

Venturefest Oxford is set to return on Thursday 25 November, bringing together the county’s greatest minds in discussion as to how the county’s ‘world-class ecosystem’ can remain at the forefront of enterprise, innovation, development of cutting-edge technology and new industries.

Howbery named as finalist for innovation in Thames Valley Property Awards

Howbery Business Park is a finalist at The Business Magazine Thames Valley Property Awards in the Business and Science Park Innovation category. Our entry focused on our work to create a sustainable environment, and our biodiversity and environmental programmes. The winners of the awards will be announced on Thursday 9 December.

Nurse Innovation Hexithon Spring 2021

Launched on International Nurses Day our Hexithon runs until the end of May. NiUK and Hexitime have created an Innovation Sprint with Nurses and Midwives leading the way. We have chosen Planetary Health and Sustainability as our first big challenge. We all saw how our environment improved when we collectively made changes to our carbon […]

Oxpens site and the route to regeneration

OxWED, the joint venture between Oxford City Council and Nuffield College is, today [24 February] setting out the next steps for the redevelopment of the Oxpens site. OxWED is working towards a consultation with stakeholders this Summer and the submission of an outline planning application by early 2022 – it is now seeking investment from its shareholders to make that happen.

Interview with Angus Horner of Harwell Science & Innovation Campus

We were joined by Angus Horner, Director of Harwell Science & Innovation Campus in South Oxfordshire. Harwell is home to organisations, institutions and businesses shaping the world of today and tomorrow, a campus where world-class people work in world-class facilities to solve global challenges. Angus is focused on providing real estate, marketing, collaboration, networking and […]

Interview with Angus Horner of Harwell Science & Innovation Campus

We were joined by Angus Horner, Director of Harwell Science & Innovation Campus in South Oxfordshire. Harwell is home to organisations, institutions and businesses shaping the world of today and tomorrow, a campus where world-class people work in world-class facilities to solve global challenges. Angus is focused on providing real estate, marketing, collaboration, networking and […]