The Importance of Blogging for SEO

The blog feature on a website can be one of the most overlooked and underestimated pages in terms of SEO. Utilising the blog section on a website and updating it with content offers the opportunity for a greater SEO impact, higher rankings for search terms on search engines, and more authority and visibility. Why is blogging so […]

6 Ways Your Website Is Driving Customers Away

When it comes to websites, a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that their design and functionality are good enough to last for years. Once you become complacent with your website and adopt the ‘if it’s not broken, why fix it’ mindset, you risk losing out on potential customers. If you are not always striving to improve your pages and optimise the user experience, you could be driving leads to competitors…

Facebook’s Market Cap Grew By $101 Billion Average Per Year Over...

Facebook is the youngest of the crème de la crème of the top performing firms globally. According to the research data analyzed and published by, its market cap has increased by a cumulative $932.0 billion under Mark Zuckerberg’s leadership. In the 9.3 years that he has been at the helm, it grew by an average of $100.7 billion annually.

The Importance of Images in Social Media

There are few things more important in Social Media than images. They are powerful, they grab attention and they are the core of the message. Images are much more than a picture, they are a virtual bookend to the message you want to share. The following five points highlight the importance of imagery: 1) Adding visual […]

The Future of Clubhouse

Clubhouse is an invitation-only audio-chat social networking app launched in 2020 by software developers Alpha Exploration Co. In December 2020 it was valued at nearly $100 million and this number recently reached $1 billion after a round of investment.

Top Of The Posts at B4

We showcase the best performing B4 member news, articles, podcasts and videos so you can see what content the wider world wants to see – it’s also a great reflection of the amplification certain members are giving their posts.

Just Post It

What are you frightened of? Time spent dithering about what to write or share on LinkedIn or your other marketing channels is time you could be spending on your business. Call it writer’s block, call it imposter syndrome. Or recognise it’ll add some value to your audience and just post it!